

Welcome to Una Voce Equa, Chicago’s definitive voice on all things ethical fashion. We are a love letter to style and a manifesto for purpose-driven, socially-minded business. We seek to cultivate a community of ethically-minded readers who create, develop and maintain ethical wardrobes and get others to do so as well!

Why does Una Voce Equa exist? Because fashion is f*cked up. Period.

The current global fashion system creates a staggering amount of harm (check out the Resource Library for the facts and figures), disproportionally impacting marginalized communities.

But it does not have to be this way.

Fashion can and must be done in a way that respects people, the environment and a new kind of economy.

Where do we start?

  • Educate yourself on the issues within the fashion industry
  • Learn and practice basic skills to take care of the clothes you own
  • Support local businesses following ethical practices
  • Pressure big corporations to change their ways

There is much to be done, and many ways to get started. What does your ethical fashion journey look like?

-Una Voce Equa

© 2021 Emma Westfall